Factory Tour

Imagine entering a factory where technology transforms every process into something automated, efficient and high-performing. Our Factory Tour are your chance to experience as a protagonist the change that is revolutionizing the world of industry: Transition 5.0. Participate in a unique experience that will take you inside companies that have chosen to embrace digitization and find out how they have transformed their production with AzzurroDigitale solutions.

Questi tour esclusivi sono pensati per imprenditori, manager e tecnici Who wish not only to keep up with the times, but also to anticipate them. Seeing with their own eyes how digitization can transform a business Is an opportunity that doesn’t come along every day. How about you, are you ready to take the next step into the future?


Upcoming Factory Tours

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unique experience. Places are limited, so reserve your spot now and get ready to discover the factory of the future.

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Carraro (SIAP Plant)

February 19, 2025 – Maniago (PN)

You will get a close look at how AWMS has sped up resource planning, enabling more effective management of contingencies.

Designed for: HR Manager, Department Head, Head of Operations

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C.R. Technology Systems

February 26, 2025 – Zanica (BG)

You will learn how Wepladoo has simplified project and job management, improving turnaround times.

Designed for: Head of Engineering Department, Project Manager, Head of Production

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Komatsu Italy

March 13, 2025 – Este (PD)

You will touch the benefits of AWMS, which automates the division of personnel into shifts, taking into account certifications and skills.

Designed for: HR Manager, Department Head, Head of Operations

Explore success stories

You will see up close how digitization is changing the industrial landscape, in the manufacturing industry.

Do networking

You will meet other industry leaders and be able to discuss the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation.

Inspired by the protagonists of change

You will hear about the experiences and benefits that companies have gained from adopting AzzurroDigitale solutions.

Discover new opportunities

You will discover practical and innovative ideas to apply in your company to accelerate digitization and improve operational processes.

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Sign up for the list!

There are only 12 places available. Sign up to get on the list-you will receive an email if your registration is confirmed!